Thursday, February 22, 2007


Well turns out it hasn't rained all week so I was able to go for a short ride after work on Tuesday. Then yesterday I dropped my bike off at the shop for a new tire, rear sprocket and chain. I swear they are a bunch of retarded monkeys over there. Took the guy at least a half hour to look up three damn part numbers. The tire should come in quickly, but of course the sprocket and chain have to come from Italy, so who knows how long that shit will take. Time to get my hands on some chain wax so I can start cleaning my chain regularly to keep everything from wearing out.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Well, after a beautiful weekend it looks like we go back to normal with a healthy dose of rain. I almost rode my bike into work this morning because the sky was sunny and blue, but there were some wicked rain clouds coming over the mountains so I decided against it. I'm guessing it'll start up around lunchtime.

I still need to figure out how to mount my tail and tank bags, maybe I'll do that tonight.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Pictures from yesterday's ride

Here are all the bikes lined up outside where we ate breakfast. Mine is the black one on the far right.Stopping at Neah Bay for a short break.

Some of the other bikes. The 1098S is the red one on the left.

So dirty

More dirt

Nice and clean after I washed it this morning.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Saturday's Ride

Got home from the ride out to Neah Bay this afternoon, what a hell of a day. Got up at 7am, showered, ate and was out the door by 7:45. Cruised up to Kingston to meet the group as they came off the ferry. Only they were a little early and I was just finishing gassing up my bike as I heard the whole pack roar by. Busted out of there and caught up with em in no time though. It was my first time riding with a big group and it was a lot of fun. There were 17 bikes, one even had a passenger.

From Kingston we bombed out hwy 101 to Port Angeles and stopped at some fancy breakfast joint for some food. A few guys had to turn back, but we had 12 bikes go on to Neah Bay. We headed West out of Port Angeles down hwy 112 along the coast. The sky actually opened up and it was a very very nice day. The road however, was not nice. It was still wet and very dirty which made navigating some of the turns very tricky. At one point I came up over a rise into a blind left turn and ended up going off into the dirt for a bit because I didn't see the turn coming. A little scary but I was able to pull it off.

After a brief pitstop in Clallam Bay the real fun began. That far out there was hardly any traffic and the roads were much better. We started ripping down the coastline, and some of the guys up front fucking took off. I went around a couple corners and they were fucking GONE. I was bombing along at a good 90mph and they still completely dusted me and another guy on a 998.

Oh yeah, did I mention that I got to ride with a brand new 1098S? The most beautiful and awe inspiring bike I've ever seen in person. That thing gives me major wood.

So after a good 20 miles of high speed twisties, we made it to Neah Bay and stopped for a few pictures. I of course did not bring my camera, because it sucks donkey balls. A bunch of other guys did though, so I'll post up some pics when I can get em. We didn't stop for very long though because the weather was shit and was starting to rain. We took it a little easier heading back, but not much easier, I still couldn't keep up. I ended up going wide through a few turns and had to pull back because they it was just too fast for me. I caught back up to them when we came to an open flat section and I took it up to about 110. We took a different route back and ended up hitting hwy 101 again on the far side of Crescent Lake. That was a very cool stretch of road, the highway ran right along the waters edge, it was only like a foot off the road. Nice twisty roads with a great view of the lake and mountains. Lots of traffic though, so we didn't get to open up the throttle much through there.

Coming back from Port Angeles was pretty mundane. Lots of traffic so we didn't get to open it up much through there either. But man, when an opening presented itself (like with a passing lane) those guys were quick on the throttle and tore ass down the road. I've always been considered a total lunatic maniac driver/rider, but these guys were another notch or two above me. It was actually pretty humbling riding with a lot of guys who are far more skilled than I am.

Broke off from the main pack after we crossed the Hood Canal Bridge. They went left to get back to Kingston, and I went right to head home. Came home, stripped off all my gear and passed out on the couch for a couple hours.

Tomorrows Goals:
- Clean the bike
- Take pictures
- Go grocery shopping

Friday, February 16, 2007

Ride to Neah Bay on Saturday

So tomorrow morning I'm meeting up with a bunch of other Ducati guys at 8:30AM in Kingston and we're going to bomb out to Neah Bay. Here is a link to the route. This is my first ride with a large group, or with anyone else for that matter so it should be interesting. But fuck man, I gotta be in Kinsgton at 8:30AM on a fucking Saturday. The sacrifices we make.

I should have some pics of my bike and the other guys who went on the ride posted soon.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

First Post!

Well I've begun planning a big motorcycle trip for this Summer and so I figured I should start up a blog to document my planning and adventures. I'm taking the last two weeks of June, and the first week of July off work so that gives me three full weeks to tear ass around and explore the west coast.

Right now my plan is as follows:
- Leave my house Sunday June 17 and spend three days riding down the Washington, Oregon and California coasts stopping along at the redwood forest and any other cool places.
- Ride up to Lake Don Pedro on Wednesday and meet up with some friends of mine and go camping until Sunday.
- Spend the next several days riding back home up through the Cascade mountains, stopping by Crater Lake and Mnt St Helens on the way.

I have a lot to do before I leave. I need to learn how to change the oil in my bike and lube up the chain. Both should be pretty easy, I just need to get down and do it. I also need to buy a new rear tire and rear sprocket and maybe even a new chain. I plan on taking care of those sometime in March.

I have a lot of other crap to buy. I just got my hands on a new tank bag and tail bag so thats taken care of. I just need to figure out how to mount them and get used to riding with the extra weight. I'm also going to need to get a new camera, the one I have just won't cut it. It's several years old and chews through batteries like crazy.