Sunday was a mix of some of the absolute best riding of my life combined with some of the most miserable. We headed out in the morning from Redding anticipating to head up and over Lassen Volcanic National Park, however due to all of the rain (did I mention we were being rained on yet AGAIN?) it had been snowing for several days up on the mountain and the road was closed. this caused us to have to detour up and around. After that we jumped on Hwy 32 into Chico which once we got out of the rain turned into some of the best roads ever. Bong led the way and I was right behind him and we railed the corners through the forest, absolutely amazing stuff.
Once in Chico we busted out the GPS units and managed to locate a good set of twisty roads to get us East over the mountains. JD led the way and yet again we were able to slay the corners. The first half of this ride was great, but it quickly transitioned into, yep you guessed it, MORE FUCKING RAIN.
That's not even the best part. Once we got down to Truckee and were about to head up to Lake Tahoe before cutting over to Carson City the skies opened up and it started pouring rain. Not your typical West Coast rain that I'm used to, I'm talking a complete driving rainstorm. Fun stuff. We managed to talk to someone who had just come from Tahoe and told us that it was actively snowing up there so we detoured down the freeway to Reno and then South into Carson City. The ride from Truckee to Reno was a good half hour in the worst rainstorm I've ever been in. We were hauling ass down the freeway through curves in a pouring down rainstorm at a good 90mph, totally insane. Anyway, it dried out by the time we hit Reno, but all the rain was too much for my little GPS unit as it died a wet and dreary death on the road.
Helmet Hair FTW!
Motorcycle Ninja!
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